Singing Guide: Jon Secada

Singing Guide: Jon Secada

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?


Singing like Jon Secada can be a daunting task, but with the right technique, tools, and attitude, you can learn to sing like one of the most popular singers of the '90s.

Jon Secada has a unique vocal style that blends pop, R&B, and Latin music. He is best known for his high-pitched, soaring vocals and his ability to switch effortlessly from falsetto to chest voice. His songs are often characterized by complex vocal melodies, intricate harmonic structures, and emotive lyrics.

In this article, we will explore Jon Secada's unique vocal technique and provide you with practical advice and relevant Singing Carrots resources to help you learn to sing like Jon Secada. Let's get started!

Unique Vocal Technique:

One of the defining features of Jon Secada's singing style is his use of falsetto. He frequently employs a falsetto register to produce high-pitched, soaring vocals that are both emotive and technically impressive.

In addition to his falsetto, Jon Secada is also known for his ability to sing in chest voice. He seamlessly switches between falsetto and chest voice, giving him a distinctive sound that is both powerful and expressive.

One of the keys to Jon Secada's vocal technique is his use of vibrato. Vibrato is the slight variation of pitch that occurs when a singer oscillates their voice. Jon Secada uses vibrato to add richness and depth to his vocals, helping him to convey a range of emotions in his songs.

Another important element of Jon Secada's vocal technique is his use of dynamic range. He is able to sing with both power and sensitivity, using his voice to create an emotional connection with his audience. This is particularly evident in his ballads, where he uses his vocal range to convey intense emotions.


One of the best ways to learn how to sing like Jon Secada is to study his songs. Some of his most popular songs include "Just Another Day," "Do You Believe in Us," and "Angel."

"Just Another Day" is a great example of Jon Secada’s use of falsetto. The song's vocal melody is complex and technically challenging, but by practicing the technique and using Singing Carrots' pitch training, vocal pitch monitor, and vocal range test to identify your vocal type, range, and accuracy, you can learn to sing it with confidence.

"Do You Believe in Us" is another song that showcases Jon Secada's vocal range. The song features both powerful choruses and softer verses, allowing him to demonstrate his dynamic range. Practice the song with integrated Singing Carrots' voice pitch monitor and pitch accuracy test to improve pitch accuracy and keep a steady tempo.

"Angel" is a ballad that highlights Jon Secada's emotive vocals. The song's melody is simple and straightforward, providing a good opportunity to work on vibrato and breath support, which can be improved through Singing Carrots' exercises and courses.

Practical Advice:

To learn how to sing like Jon Secada, it's important to develop good vocal technique. Some tips to get you started include:

  • Practice regularly: Singing is like any other skill – the more you practice, the better you'll get. Use Singing Carrots' vocal warm-up exercises and pitch training exercises regularly to develop good breathing techniques and strengthen your vocal cords.
  • Work on your breathing: Good breath control is essential for singing well. Use Singing Carrots' breath support exercises to improve your stamina and breathing techniques.
  • Learn proper posture: Good posture is essential for singing well. Use Singing Carrots' posture exercises to develop good habits that will help you sing better and avoid injuries such as nodules.
  • Listen to Jon Secada's music: Listen carefully to Jon Secada's music to learn about his unique vocal techniques and style. Use Singing Carrots' song search feature to explore other songs in his discography and to find songs that match your vocal range and style.


Learning to sing like Jon Secada requires dedication, practice, and the right tools. By studying his unique vocal techniques, practicing his songs, and incorporating good breathing techniques, posture, and working on other techniques such as falsetto, vibrato, and chest voice, you can learn to sing like this Latin Pop sensation. Use Singing Carrots' vast library of song search, pitch accuracy test, and singing courses and tools to improve.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.